> 燕ロータリークラブ


”外国人留学生募集”のご案内  A Guide to recruitment of international exchange students


第6回 中学生を対象とした異文化相互理解セミナー

The 6th Cross-Cultural Understanding Seminar for Junior High School Students


A Guide to recruitment of international exchange students



Tsubame Rotary Club hosts cross-cultural exchange events for local junior high school students (ranging from 13-15 year-old) and international exchange students.



We have invited 104 exchange students from 18 different countries in total. Total number of Junior high school students who participated is more than 1000.



We are looking for participants for The 6th Cross-Cultural Understanding Seminar for Junior High School Students, which is going to be held on Sep 20th.



Anyone who has interests in international communication, we are looking forward to your participation.


■開 催 日   2019年9月20日(金) 12:00~15:40

Date:     Sep 20th, 2019 12:00-15:40



燕三条ワシントンホテル3階 (打ち合せ・食事会場)

燕市立小池中学校 体育館 (セミナー会場)


Tsubame Sanjo Washington Hotel 3rd floor (pre-seminar meeting, lunch)

  Tsubame city Koike Junior High school (seminar site)


■集合場所   燕三条ワシントンホテル3階

Meeting place: Tsubame Sanjo Washington Hotel 3rd floor


〒959-1232 新潟県燕市井土巻3-65 TEL 0256-66-2000

Postal: 959-1272 3-65, Idomaki Tsubame city, Niigata prefecture.

TEL: 0256-66-2000




11:30  受付開始  → 燕三条ワシントンホテル
11:30 the reception starts at Tsubame Sanjo Washington Hotel.


12:00  セミナー打ち合わせ
12:00 meeting for the seminar


12:30  燕ロータリークラブ例会に出席(食事時間12:40~13:05)
12:30 attending Tsubame rotary club’s regular meeting (lunch break 12:40-13:05)


13:30  バスにて移動 → 小池中学校へ
13:30 going to Koike Junior High school by bus.


13:45  小池中学校 到着
13:45 Arriving at Koike Junior High School.


14:00  セミナー開始
14:00 the seminar begins.


  • 講師 新潟県立大学 教授 櫛谷圭司氏
    Lecturer: Professor Keiji Kushiya from University of Niigata Prefecture
  • 国際交流ファシリテーター 新潟県立大学学生の皆さん
    International exchange facilitators: students of University of Niigata Prefecture


15:40  セミナー終了
15:40 the seminar ends.


16:00  小池中学校出発 → JR燕三条駅
16:00 leaving Koike Junior High School for JR Tsubame Sanjo Station.




  • 留学生と中学生(196名)が小グループに分かれて交流。(ワークショップ形式)
    International students and 196 junior high school students are divided into small groups and communicate through work shop type activity.


  • 中学生と留学生双方向の対話を体験。お互いの国や地域について披露する。
    Junior high school students and international students have interactive communication about each other’s countries and regions.


  • 国際交流ファシリテーターの皆さんが各グループに1名入る。
    One international facilitator joins each group.


  • 留学生の皆さんには中学生に伝えたい内容の現物や写真などご持参ください。
    Please bring anything you want to show or explain to junior high school students (e.g. photos or items)


※ 後日参加者の皆様へ詳しい案内をお送り致します。
We will provide guidance with detailed information for participants later.


Transportation fee coverage


Transportation expenses are paid by us, including a round trip fee of Shinkansen, public transportation such as bus fee.


※ 後日ご出席者の皆様に交通費の精算についてご連絡いたします。
We will inform the participants later about how we cover your transportation fee.


How to participate

If you are interested, please fill out below and send us via by email to participate.


  1. 大学名
    Name of the university you belong to


  1. 氏名
    Your name


  1. ふりがな
    Furigana (your name in Japanese pronunciation)


  1. 性別
    Your gender


  1. 出身国
    Your nationality


  1. メールアドレス
    Your email address


  1. 携帯番号
    Your cell phone number


  1. JR最寄駅
    Your closest JR train station



Apply to:

 燕ロータリークラブ (担当 今井)

Tsubame Rotary Club (in charge: Imai)

 E-mail info@tsubame-rc.gr.jp   tel 0256-66-4545  fax 0256-66-4443


Given personal information is restrictedly used only for this seminar.

■申し込み締め切り→ 7月31日(水)

 Application closing day: July 31th (Wed)



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